Johnson Cutoff & Luther Pass Driving Guide (Second Edition – 2018)


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Johnson Cutoff


(Second Edition – 2018)


From Carson City, Nevada to Placerville, California.
Markers JC-1/CR-20 to JC-30/CR-69
Markers LP-1/CR-40 to LP-5/JC-10



Johnson Cutoff & Luther Pass Trail Driving Guide

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This 87 page guide is only intended to be a Driving Guide so it does not include the photos, emigrant diary quotes and narratives that are found in our larger Guidebooks.

There are seventeen maps that supplement the detailed driving directions that will allow you to follow the trails from start to finish and stop at each of the thirty-five descriptive markers along the routes.

The Johnson Cutoff was opened in 1852 and the Luther Pass route in 1854 and both were used, and touted, as improvements to parts of the main Carson trail. The nine page history section of this guide goes into further detail on these trails and how they came to be and fit into the westward expansion.

These two historic trails have remnants that are visible at many locations and can easily be hiked on. This allows an opportunity for the modern trail enthusiast to visualize the same settings that the early emigrants enjoyed.

This guide covers the trails from their beginnings along the Carson trail to their ends at Placerville, California and South Lake Tahoe, California.

Included in the guide are trail route maps, detailed driving instructions on how to travel from marker to marker, GPS coordinates in Latitude/Longitude and UTM formats and a history of the Trail.