Applegate – Oregon Driving Guide (First Edition – 2019)

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DRIVING GUIDE (First Edition – 2019)
117 pages covering Markers A-74 through A-113




Applegate – Oregon Driving Guide


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The Applegate trail was one of the main emigrant routes bringing settlers to the west coast. There are traces of the original trail that are still visible. In addition to guiding you along the trail, our guides will also lead you to various historical information sites along the trail and point out places of interest that were important to the emigrants.


The  APPLEGATE TRAIL OREGON DRIVING GUIDE, is a driving guide only and like all of our driving guides is only intended to impart basic trail history and allow someone to follow the section of trail that it covers. It is in a 6″ x 9″ size and has all necessary maps and GPS data to cover the route but does not include photographs, diary quotes, and other information that is included in our full size guides.



For a photo tour of the Applegate Trail click here.