A Guide To The Yreka Trail (Second Edition – 2019)


Yreka Cover


(Second Edition – 2019)


Markers Y-1 through Y-20




A Guide To The Yreka Trail

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This is a 72 page spiral bound book that will guide you along the Yreka emigrant trail from its beginning where it leaves the Applegate Trail near Lower Klamath Lake in northern California to its end in Yreka, California.


The book includes:

1.  A description of each of the 20 Inscription Plates that are attached to the Trails West Markers along this trail.

Here is an example of the inscription plates that are attached to each marker.

Marker Y-5

2.  Over twenty maps and supplemental maps that show everything from the many northern emigrant trails to California to detailed maps with individual markers, roads, trails and hiking trails identified to enable you to follow the length of the Yreka Trail. These maps show the route(s) the emigrants actually followed. Sometimes the trail shown can still be seen as ruts, a depression, or a scar. In other cases, the route shown is now a road or is no longer visible due to modern development.
The maps in this Guide Identify segments of the trails that have been and have not been used by motor vehicles, and segments that are identified in emigrant diaries but can not be physically located. In addition, alternate routes are identified.

3.  The location of each Trails West Marker using GPS in both latitude/longitude and UTM coordinates.

4.  How To Find instructions that give explicit directions that correspond to the maps that will allow you to travel from marker to marker by the quickest and safest route. When the directions become too complex, a supplemental map is included to help find the marker.

5.  Cautionary notes are included where appropriate to warn the user of the Guide where difficulties might be encountered.

6.  Over 65 quotations from emigrant diaries and journals from 1852 to 1859. These Overland Narratives give us an idea of what it was like for the emigrants as they passed near each Marker location.

Here is an example of one of these diary quotations:

“Aug. 10. Left camp this morning expecting reach the abode of 9 white men by noon but we traveled until late for we could not get water sooner; we must traveled 16 or 17 miles and no hous to be seen tho we saw whare some person had cut hous logs that gave us some satisfaction to see sines of siveliscation; we are stoped to noon and shall go on in a few minients and hope to see white men this evening; we have been in the piny woods for 2 or 3 days and the farther we go the heavyer the timber; nothing but pine and some undergrowth of various kinds.  James Bardin, 1855
(One of the Overland Narratives for Marker Y-12)

7.  Over 25 photographs of locations along the route of the trail, most of which are unique to this guide.

8.  Special features include an introductory history of the origins and development of the Yreka Trail and how it came to be, a bibliography, historical commentaries of unique locations along the trail and finally a long journal entry written by James Cowden upon reaching the end of the trail.